Staff Reporter:
Only 46 percent of the decisions made at the 2024 Deputy Commissioners (DCs) Conference have been implemented, Cabinet Secretary Sheikh Abdur Rashid has said.
He mentioned that a total of 381 short-, medium-, and long-term decisions were made during last year’s conference. “Of these, 177 decisions have been implemented, while 204 decisions are still under implementation.”
The Cabinet Secretary shared the information during a press conference on the Deputy Commis-sioners Conference-2025 at the Secretariat on Saturday.
He said that all decisions currently under consideration for implementation are marked as “under implementation.” Decisions that have been fully or mostly implemented are listed as “implement-ed.”
After the establishment of the interim government following the mass uprising in July-August, some proposals related to the previous government’s philosophy have not been implemented.
Besides, the proposals made in the last DCs conference to name various establishments after spe-cific person have not been implemented.
As a result, the implementation rate of decisions this year has been lower compared to previous year. “If the medium- and long-term decisions are implemented, the implementation progress rate of last year’s conference will improve,” he added.
During the DCs conference in 2024, the implementation progress of decisions from the previous year (2023) was 62 percent. In 2025, the implementation progress of decisions from 2023 has in-creased to 76 percent, Sheikh Abdur Rashid further noted.
Chief Adviser Prof Dr Muhammad Yunus will inaugurate the three-day annual conference of Dep-uty Commissioners (DCs) at 10:30 am at his office on Sunday.
Some 354 proposals have been received from DCs and divisional commissioners ahead of the con-ference, which will conclude on February 18 (Tuesday).