Staff Reporter:
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) has distributed food among 31000 underprivileged children across the country during the holy month of Ramadan.
As part of the program, Additional Managing Director of the bank Md. Altaf Hossain distributed food on Sunday among underprivileged children at Jamia Ashrafia Madrasha, Baridhara, in Dhaka.
Md. Maksudur Rahman, Senior Executive Vice President, Bashir Ahamed, and Md. Mizanur Rahman Bhuiyan, Executive Vice President, Md. Abul Hasan and Nazrul Islam, Senior Vice Presidents, and Maulana Abdul Alim Faridi, Principal of Jamia Ashrafia Madrasha and Md. Shafiqul Islam president of Baitun Noor Jame Masjid attended the program.
Top executives and employees of head office of IBBL attended the program.
Earlier, on 1st Ramadan different zones of the bank distributed food and iftar among 30,665 underprivi-leged children and orphanages across the country, a press release said.