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Over 50 houses gutted in Gazipur fire

Staff Reporter:

Several markets and more than 50 tin-roof houses were gutted in a fire in the Bhogra bypass area of Gazipur city early Thursday.

The fire started from a tea shop around 3am.

Senior Station Officer of Bhogra Fire Service, Md Ruhul Amin Mollah, said the fire broke out at a market and tin-roof houses built on land owned by one Rafi Matbor, a resident of the Bhogra bypass area.

On information, two units of Bhogra Fire Service rushed to the spot.

Later, two units of Konabari Fire Service joined and brought the fire under control after an hour’s effort.

Vehicular movement on the Dhaka-Tangail Highway remained suspended for about two hours due to the fire incident.

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