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Donald Lu arrives on official visit

Staff Reporter:

US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu arrived in Dhaka yester-day on a three-day official visit to strengthen bilateral cooperation between Dhaka and Washington.
Foreign ministry’s Director General (North America) Khandker Masudul Alam welcomed him at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, official source said.
“During his stay, he (Lu) is expected to have meetings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Minis-try of Environment, Forest and Climate Change,” said the foreign ministry on its official facebook page.
Earlier, the US’s state department said that Lu’s trip would strengthen bilateral cooperation with each country and demonstrate US support for a free, open, and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.
Lu will meet government officials, civil society leaders, and other Bangladeshis to discuss US-Bangladesh cooperation, including addressing the climate crisis and deepening economic ties, said spokesperson at the US Department of State.
On Monday, while responding to a question of a reporter at the foreign ministry, Foreign Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud said the US visa policy and sanctions on Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) officials will be discussed during the visit of Donald Lu.
He said the current relations between Bangladesh and the US is very sound and Dhaka will work togeth-er whoever visits here from the US administration.
“Whoever visits here… we will work together to advance our (Bangladesh-US) relations,” the foreign minister said.
Lu is scheduled to join a dinner with Prime Minister’s Advisor on Private Industry and Investment Sal-man F Rahman tonight.

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