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Tk 15 lakh given to family of slain forest officer Sajjaduzzaman

A Correspondent:

Munshiganj: Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister Saber Hossain Chowdhury yesterday said his ministry is working to ensure maximum punishment for those involved in killing Md Sajjaduz-zaman, a beat officer of the forest department in Cox’s Bazar.
“No one involved in the killing will be spared. All those responsible will be brought to justice through a transparent process. People involved in such incidents in the past will also be brought to justice. A spe-cial message will be given to prevent such incidents in the future,” he said.
The environment minister made the remarks while handing over a cheque of financial assistance to the family of Sajjaduzzaman at his residence of Vitikandi village at Ghazaria upazila of Munshiganj.
Sajjaduzzaman was killed by a mini truck (dumper) of miscreants in Cox’s Bazar recently.
Expressing deep condolences to the family members of Sajjaduzzaman, Saber Hossain said when Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was informed about the incident, she also expressed grief and sorrow too.
He said due to the untimely death of Sajjaduzzaman, the family will not face financial crisis, so em-ployment will be given to his wife.
The Ministry and the Forest Department will always stand by his family, he added.
Meanwhile, the environment minister handed over Taka 15 lakh in cheque and cash on behalf of his ministry to the father of the deceased beat officer Sajjaduzzaman.
Later, the minister visited the grave of the slain beat officer.

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