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HC asks to appoint 285 physically challenged candidates

Staff Reporter:

The High Court (HC) in a judgment yesterday asked the government to appoint 285 physically chal-lenged candidates, who have already passed the written tests, to the posts of primary school teachers un-der the quota system.
A High Court division bench comprising Justice Naima Haider and Justice Kazi Zinat Hoque pro-nounced the judgment, declaring absolute a rule issued earlier in this regard.
Advocate Siddique Ullah Miah moved a writ petition before the court, while Deputy Attorney General Amit Das Gupta stood for the state.
Terming the judgment as a groundbreaking one for establishing the rights of the physically challenged people, Advocate Miah said he hope that the concerned authorities would implement the judgment im-mediately.
The High Court on December 11, 2023, concluded its hearing on the rule issued in this regard and had set yesterday to pronounce judgment.
The candidates filed two separate writ petitions, making Secretary of the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration and Director General of Directorate of Primary Education, respondents.

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