Staff Reporter:
Diverging from the conventional path, new Education Minister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel is set to commence his journey with innovative initiatives.
After taking the oath as minister on Thursday, he is scheduled to assume office for the first time today.
In this regard, the minister will hold a meeting with all ministry officials, department heads, and institu-tion leaders to exchange greetings and ideas. Notably, he has directed that there will be no elaborate cer-emony for greeting or other unproductive activity during this inaugural event.
Insiders revealed that Nowfel wants performance over ceremonial aspects. Many within the ministry see this directive as a novel approach. Some are expressing that this decision reflects respect for the outgoing education minister.
In an official notice issued by the Ministry of Education on Saturday (December 13), it was announced that the new education minister would extend greetings and engage in discussions with all employees and heads of departments/agencies in both the Secondary and Higher Education, and Vocational and Madrasa Education divisions. The event is scheduled for 3 PM at the auditorium of the International Mother Lan-guage Institute.
The notice also mentioned that Nowfel has advised against repeating the traditional presentation of flow-ers during the upcoming greetings and exchange of ideas session.