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Azad to work for people of his seat

A Correspondent:

Faridpur: AK Azad, industrialist and winner from Faridpur-3 seat, said on Monday that he will work to fulfill the dream that he had shown to the people of his constituency.
“I have many plans for the development of Faridpur, now I will start implementing them,” he said.
He was talking to the journalists in his Faridpur residence on Monday afternoon.
Leaders and activists from different areas came to congratulate him and gave flower bouquets. Some of them put garlands around his neck.
AK Azad also thanked the people of Faridpur for electing him by huge margins. People voted for me fighting against many hurdles. They actually voted against terrorism, extortionists, he added.
Independent candidate Azad, who contested with Eagle symbol defeated Awami League nominated can-didate Shamim Haque by a margin of 59,009 votes in Faridpur-3 (Sadar) seat in the 12th National elec-tions.

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