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‘Smuggler’ killed in ‘gunfight’ with BGB in Netrakona

A Correspondent:

Netrakona: A suspected smuggler was killed and another injured in a reported gunfight with members of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) along Baromari Laxmipur border in Durgapur upazila of Netrakona district on Friday night.
The deceased was identified as Aminul Islam, 28, son of Abdul Barek of Laxmipur village in the upazila.
Tipped off about drug smuggling, a team of BGB-31 Battalion led by Habildar Minhaz Uddin conducted a drive in the bordering area around 8:30 pm, said Commanding officer of BGB-31, Lieutenant Colonel Arifur Rahman.
Sensing presence of some beetle-nut smugglers, the BGB members challenged them.
At one stage, the smugglers attacked the border guard members, forcing them to retaliate that triggered a gunfight, Arifur said.
Aminul died on the spot during the exchange of fire while Jaidul sustained injuries.
Jaidul was taken to Durgapur Upazila Health Complex where doctors suggested to shift him to My-mensingh Medical College and Hospital.
Habildar Minhaz was also slightly injured.
Preparations are on to file two separate cases in this connection, said Superintendent of Netrakona Po-lice Foyez Ahmed.

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