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Elections to be competitive, free, fair: CEC

A Correspondent:

Rajshahi: The Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Kazi Habibul Awal yesterday categorically said the forthcoming 12th parliament elections will be competitive, free and fair and there is no doubt about it.
“We are putting our level best efforts to make the election proper, peaceful and successful to attain the trust and confidence of the voters in general,” he added.
The CEC came up with the observation while sharing views with the candidates of all six constituencies of the district at local Circuit House here as chief guest.
CEC Kazi Habibul Awal expected that the election will be proper as the voters will come to the centres to exercise their rights after five years spontaneously.
He said the Election Commission (EC) and candidates are altogether trying to create suitable atmos-pheres for competitive elections. “We believe the candidates will encourage the voters to come to the polling centres,” he added.
Election Commissioner Rasheda Sultana, EC Secretary Jahangir Alam, Commissioner of Rajshahi divi-sion Dr Dewan Muhammad Humayun Kabir, Deputy Inspector General of Police of Rajshahi Range Md Anisur Rahman and Commissioner of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP) Biplob Bijoy Talukder also spoke on the occasion.
Kazi Habibul Awal said they have given messages to the candidates for proper, free, fair and acceptable elections. “Obviously, we will be successful collectively in this regard,” he expected.
He urged the candidates to abide by the election code of conduct strictly by maintaining interrelations.
Reminding the candidates, he said there are level playing fields in the election and the candidates are conducting their respective election campaigns easily.
“We are not in the government, we are performing duties as per the constitution,” he said, adding that the election will also be held properly.
Later, the CEC held another view-exchange meeting with the law enforcing agencies at Shilpakala Acad-emy auditorium here calling them to perform their duties with utmost sincerity and honesty for success-ful election to fulfill the hopes and aspirations of the voters.

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