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President okays army deployment to ensure fair polls

Staff Reporter:

President Mohammed Shahabuddin yesterday gave consent to deploy military personnel to help ensure free, fair and peaceful Jatiya Sangsad (JS) polls.
“The president consented to deploy members of armed forces division (AFD) for holding next polls in a free, fair and peaceful manner. . . The military personnel will assist the civil administration,” President’s Press Secretary Md Joinal Abedin told this noon.
He said the president provided his assent as Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Kazi Habibul Awal called on him at Bangabhaban to offer formal request for armed forces deployment before and after next general elections.
According to Abedin, the president said the decision for the military deployment was taken to maintain law and order and fair atmosphere during the pre-and post-election period.
The head of the state, however, said the date and time of the troops’ deployment will be announced later in consultation with all concerned stakeholders.
During the meeting, the president was apprised by the CEC of the overall Election Commission (EC) preparations for the upcoming polls.
Expressing satisfaction over the polls preparation by the EC, the head of the state assured the EC of providing all necessary cooperation to make the elections fair and peaceful.
The president also expressed his hope that with the cooperation of all, a free, fair and credible election will be held in Bangladesh.
Secretaries concerned to the president were present at the meeting.

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