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Four of a family burn hurt in N’ganj explosion

A Correspondent:

Narayanganj: Four members of a family sustained burn injuries in an explosion, reportedly from gas accumulated due to a leak in line, at Kashipur in Sadar upazila in the early hours of yesterday.
The people who sustained burn injuries are Sultan Mia, his wife Shahida Akter, their sons Nabi and Ali. They were admitted to Sheikh Hasina National Institute of Burn and Plastic Surgery in the capital.
The incident occurred at around 1am yesterday in the third floor of a four storied building at Kashipur. The members of the family went to their village home a few days ago and returned to their flat on the third floor of the building on Saturday night.
A fire broke out after an explosion when one of the family members was about to light the stove in the kitchen around 1am.
Rakibul Hasan, duty officer of the national hotline of Fire Service and Civil Defense, confirmed.

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