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3 cops hurt in crude bomb blast

A Correspondent:

Bogura: Three police officers were injured in a crude bomb blast in Bogura’s Gabtoli upazila on Wednesday, the last day of the 36-hour blockade called by the BNP-Jamaat.
Police recovered two unexploded crude bombs from the spot.
The injured were identified as SI Abdul Kuddus, SI Enamul Haque and ASI Joydeb Saha of Gabtoli Model Police Station. They were admitted to Bogura Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College Hospital.
Abul Kalam Azad, officer-in-charge (OC) of Gabtoli Model Police Station, said a crude bomb exploded near the police who were on duty during the BNP’s 36-hour blockade after a procession led by Gabtoli municipal BNP in support of the blockade passed Tinmatha intersection of the upazila sadar around 2pm on Wednesday.
No one was arrested in connection with the incident, said OC Azad.
Gabtoli municipality BNP President Saiful Islam accused Awami League of carrying out the attack.

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