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Minister asks measures to stop deer hunting in Sundarbans

Staff Reporter

Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister Md Shahab Uddin on Wednesday directed the authorities concerned to take necessary measures to stop deer hunting and poaching in the Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove forest.

He gave the directives while addressing a progress review meeting held at the ministry in the capital.

The minister said the concerned officials including the chief conservator of forests and Khulna circle forest conservator of the forest department will have to take necessary measures to stop deer hunting and poaching in the Sundarbans, according to a media release signed by Dipankar Bar, senior information officer of the ministry.

He said that the implementation of the awareness program, smart patrolling and all other necessary measures must be taken.

Shahab Uddin also directed to take all necessary steps to stop the use of one-time plastic, which pollutes the environment in the Sundarbans and adjacent areas.

He ordered them to find out the cause of fire in different forests of the country and take legal action if anyone is found guilty.

The minister said, “We have to ensure the conservation of environment and biodiversity, and at this time all the ongoing projects should be implemented maintaining quality”.

Deputy Minister Habibun Nahar, Secretary Dr Farhina Ahmed, Additional Secretary (Administration) Iqbal Abdullah Harun, Additional Secretary (Environment) Sanjay Kumar Bhowmik, Additional Secretary (Environmental Pollution Control) Md Mizanur Rahman, Director General of Environment Department Dr Abdul Hamid and Chief Conservator of Forest Md Amir Hossain Chowdhury were present along with heads of various departments and senior officials of the ministry.

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