Staff Reporter:
The Zonta Clubs of Bangladesh held a special event to celebrate United Nations Day at the Bari-dhara Diplomatic Club on Friday.
The event honored the United Nations’ work and Zonta International’s collaboration as the largest non-governmental organization (NGO) supporter of UN Women programs.
Berhanu Assefa Tegegene, Manager of UNOPS Bangladesh, attended the event as special guest.
The celebration highlighted Zonta’s commitment to climate change mitigation and gender equali-ty.
Berhanu Assefa Tegegene, Manager of United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Bang-ladesh, pointed out that women comprise nearly 40% of the agricultural workforce in developing nations.
“Climate change, however, disproportionately affects the agriculture and food sectors, adversely impacting approximately 43% of women. Despite this alarming reality, only 20% of women partic-ipate in forums and activities addressing climate change, even though they constitute 80% of those affected,” he said.
Dr. Zareen Delawer Hussain, Vice Area Director of Zonta’s Area 2, District 25, reiterated the ur-gent need to address climate change and gender equality.
“We will work on climate change and gender equality. This is a serious issue that needs to be fo-cused now,” she said.