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Govt bound to arrest arsonists: Hasan

Staff Reporter:

Urging the countrymen to create resistance against the terrorists, Information & Broadcasting Minister and Awami League Joint General Secretary Dr Hasan Mahmud yesterday said the government is firmly bound to arrest the persons involved in arson attacks and their patron as well.
“BNP’s atrocities crossed all limits like Pakistani occupation force. So, resistance should be forged in every ward against the miscreants like 1971,” he said.
The minister said this while addressing a discussion organized by Institution of Diploma Engineers, Bangladesh (IDEB) at its auditorium marking the Public Engineering Day and 53rd founding anniver-sary of IDEB.
Deputy Minister for Education Barrister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury addressed the discussion as special guest.
IDEB president AKMA Hamid was in the chair while general secretary Md Shamsur Rahman spoke, among others.
Dr Hasan said the arsonists, in fact, attacked the very existence of the state. They attacked the judiciary through attacking the residence of the Chief Justice, he said.
Pointing out burning down motor vehicles in the IDEB premises on October 28 the minister said, “I don’t know why BNP attacked a professional organization like IDEB.”
The information minister said, “Bangladesh has good relation with all foreign countries and they can give us advice.”
“However, they cannot give such advice which is appeared to be interference in our internal affairs,” he said adding that “We will solve our problems on our own.”
Hasan Mahmud said BNP thought that someone will put them on power, which is not possible in a dem-ocratic country.
He said the whole world is protesting the attacks of Israeli forces in Gaza. But, BNP-Jamaat didn’t tell a single ward against the Israeli forces, he said.
Hasan pointed out the audio clip went viral in the social media where Tarique Rahman instructed Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir not to make any statement about the Palestine issue in public.
He said BNP is not only enemy of Islam, they also enemy of humanity and the country.

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