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BNP enforces 48-hr fresh blockade from Wednesday

Staff Reporter:

The BNP and their like-minded parties will enforce another round of 48-hour road-rail-waterway blockade across the country beginning from Wednesday to mount pressure on the government to step down and hold the next election under a non-partisan administration.
The opposition parties gave a break from its action program on Tuesday as the BNP considers No-vember 7 as the ‘National Revolution and Solidarity Day’, marking the ‘civil-military uprising’ of November 7, 1975.
BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi announced the program at a virtual press briefing on Monday evening.
He said the blockade program will be observed from 6am Wednesday to 6am Friday across the country.
The other opposition parties, who have long been carrying out the simultaneous movement with BNP, also announced a similar program, press releases said.
Rizvi claimed that their ongoing blockade was being observed successfully with the full support of the country’s people.
He thanked leaders and activists of BNP and like-minded parties to make the blockade programme a success.
The fresh agitation was announced on the last day of the opposition’s 48-hour nationwide blockade which has been marked by widespread incidents of violence, including clashes with police and torching and vandalizing vehicles.
Earlier in the last week, the opposition’s three-day countrywide blockade passed off amid clashes and widespread incidents of torching and vandalizing vehicles, leaving four people–three in Kishoreganj and one in Sylhet—killed and over three dozen of vehicles either torched or vandal-ized.
They also observed a nationwide dawn-to-dusk hartal on Sunday in protest against the attacks on BNP’s grand rally at Nayapaltan that ended amid the incidents of torching vehicles and clashes, leaving three people dead.
Half an hour into the start of BNP’s much-talked-about grand rally at Nayapaltan on October 28, BNP leaders and workers locked in a clash with the ruling party activists and police at Kakrail. Soon violent clashes spread around Nayapaltan, foiling the rally midway.

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