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Metro rail service to be extended to Tongi

A Correspondent:

Uttara’s Diabari metro rail service is going to be extended to Tongi to improve public transportation in Dhaka, said an official from the Road Transport and Highways Division (RTHD).

“MRT Line-6 will be extended up to Motijheel by November. The work on extending Line 2 and Line 6 from Diabari to Tongi is yet to be completed. Japan will provide further cooperation,” RTHD Secretary ABM Amin Ullah Nuri said on Friday while accompanying Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on her visit to Japan.

He further stated that the work from Motijheel to Kamalapur Railway Station would be completed by 2026 and then the construction from Diabari to Tongi would begin.

The official added that Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has expressed interest in constructing the other lines and an agreement has been signed with Japan.

“The Dhaka metro rail project was initiated by the prime minister so that the Dhaka citizens can have improved public transportation. She inaugurated the MRT Line-6 and directed that by 2030 Dhaka should have a people-friendly public transportation system,” the official added.

Nuri mentioned that many organizations are interested in the remaining MRT lines, saying: “Everyone is showing interest now. The Asian Development Bank (ADB), Korea and the World Bank are also expressing interest.”

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