Staff Reporter:
The government has published the full reports of the six reform commissions.
The full reports of the Electoral Reform Commission, Police Reform Commission, Judiciary Re-form Commission, Anti-Corruption Commission Reform Commission, Public Administration Re-form Commission, and Constitutional Reform Commission (Part One) were published on the web-site of the Cabinet Division ( on Saturday.
A press conference is being held at the Foreign Service Academy to discuss the urgent issues rec-ommended by these commissions.
Earlier, the reports of the Constitutional Reform Commission, Electoral Reform Commission, Po-lice Administration Reform Commission, and Anti-Corruption Commission Reform Commission were submitted on January 15.
Later, on February 5, the reports of the Public Administration Reform Commission and the Judici-ary Reform Commission were submitted to the Chief Adviser.
Five commissions, except for the Constitutional Reform Commission, were formed on October 3 of last year.
The Constitutional Reform Commission was formed on October 6.
All the commissions were given 90 days to submit their reports, and later, that time was extended several times.