Staff Reporter:
Amid the flurry of discussion on forming a state-sponsored new political party, , Nahid Islam, an adviser of the interim government, has categorically said that they will not hang on to the government posts if they do politics.
Nahid cleared his stance while talking to reporters at his secretariat office in Dhaka on Thursday, saying that he would come up with a formal announcement in this regard when the situation gains momentum.
Following the July-August changeover, Nahid was appointed as adviser for Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology to the interim government on 9 August last year.
Later on 16 August of the same year, he was also assigned as the adviser to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
Responding to a query, he said, “A report on our resignation and formation of a new state-sponsored political party is floating on mass and social communicating media and it came to my notice. However, the report did not clarify the source of the information.”
“No such decision has been made by me or by Asif. We will make an official announcement if we decide to take that step,” he told a questioner.
Earlier in the day, the online version of Kaler Kantho, citing a Bangla daily, published a report stating that Nahid Islam and Asif Mahmud Sajeeb Bhuiyan, two advisers of the interim government, are expected to resign as part of efforts to form a new political party.
Apart from the two, Adviser Mahfuz Alam is also all set to resign from his post by June of the current year, according to the report.