Staff Reporter:
The holy Shab-e-Meraj was observed across the country last night with due respect and religious fervor.
The Muslims every year on the 27th night of the Arabic month of Rajab observe the Shab-e-Meraj. On this night, Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) had embarked on a special journey to meet the Almighty Allah.
In the journey, the Prophet (PBUH) travelled on the “Buraq” to heaven where Allah gave him in-structions to take back to the faithful regarding the details of prayers.
Muslim devotees will offer special prayers at mosques and homes seeking blessings of Allah for the welfare of the entire nation and the Muslim Ummah.
On the occasion, Islamic Foundation organized a discussion and doa mahfil at Baitul Mukarram National Mosque after Zohr prayers yesterday highlighting the significance of the Shab-e-Meraj.