Staff Reporter:
The Department of Environment (DoE) has asked the city dwellers to wear face mask when they go outside as city’s air quality index (AQI) already has deteriorated and it has reached to very un-healthy position.
“Wearing face mask for city dwellers in outside is a must,” a DoE press release said yesterday.
The environment authority issued this alert for the inhabitants of the capital and its adjacent are-as as the AQI during this morning at 10am reached to more than 250, according to latest air quali-ty monitoring report.
At the same time, the sensitive peoples like ailing, elderly and kids also have been asked not to go outside of their houses unless any emergency, said the release.
The air quality index is changing every hours, said the environment authority, adding that the air quality in most of the time reaches from unhealthy to vulnerable situation in the city and its adja-cent areas during the dry season.