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Young man killed during clash in Brahmanbaria

A Correspondent:

Brahmanbaria: A young shopkeeper was killed during a clash in Brahmanbaria’s Sarail on Friday night.
The 22-year-old, identified as Faisal, was shot by police when he was closing his shop during the clash, his family said.
Faisal was working at his uncle Osman Haruni’s cement shop when the clash erupted.
Additional Superintendent of Police Mozammel Hossain Reza, however, said that Faisal was likely killed due to the impact of a cocktail during the clash.
His body has been sent to the Brahmanbaria Sadar Hospital morgue for an autopsy to determine the ex-act cause of death, he said.
Police detained 4-5 people and recovered 10 unexploded cocktails, after bringing the situation under control.
At least 20 people were injured in the clash between the clans of Iqbal Chowkidar and Dulal of Suryakandi village.
The clash occurred as the two groups of locals locked horns over a small argument, according to police

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