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AL govt upholds rights of all religions: PM

Staff Reporter:

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday said that the Awami League always works to ensure rights of the followers of all religions in the country.
“Awami League whenever forms government always works to ensure the rights of people of all religious faiths,“ she told the leaders of Bangladesh Hindu, Buddhist, Christian Unity Council when they paid a courtesy call on her at her official residence Ganabhaban.
PM’s Deputy Press Secretary KM Shakhawat Moon briefed the reporters after the meeting.
Hasina reiterated that religion belongs to individuals but festival is for all.
She told the delegation that her government is taking the country ahead by implementing the ideology of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the spirit of the 1971 War of Liberation.
During the meeting, leaders of the Bangladesh Hindu, Buddhist, Christian Unity Council, led by its gen-eral secretary Rana Das Gupta, said that at present discrimination has been removed in all fields such as employment, recruitment and promotion in the country.
They thanked the prime minister as people of different faiths are freely following their religious practic-es.
Special Assistant to the Prime Minister and Awami League office secretary Barrister Biplab Barua and central committee member Nirmal Kumar Chatterjee were present.

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