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BCL expresses solidarity with global movement for Palestinians

Staff Reporter:
Bangladesh Chhatra League, student wing of ruling Awami League, expressed solidarity with the ongoing global student movement advocating for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.
“BCL stands united in solidarity with the ongoing global student movement for an independent Palestinian state”, said a statement signed by BCL central President Saddam Hussein and General Secretary Sheikh Wali Asif Enan.
Expressing solidarity, calling for an end to the on- going genocide and demanding the establish-ment of the independent Palestinian state, BCL also announced to hold demonstrations including flag-raising, procession and student-gathering in support of Palestine on May 6 in front of the Madhu’s canteen and on the premises of Raju Memorial Sculpture on Dhaka University campus.
The leaders of the organization also directed all of its units to carry out the same program simulta-neously in all educational institutions across the country.
In the statement BCL said, “In alignment with the principles of our founding father, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who declared, ‘The world is divided into two camps, the oppressed and the oppressors. I am with the oppressed,’ we stand resolutely alongside justice-seeking students and educators globally”.
They said, “As an organization deeply intertwined with the sacrifices of our nation’s freedom struggle, we express unwavering support for the global student movement resonating across cam-puses worldwide”.
This movement strives for the recognition of Palestine’s sovereignty, upholding justice, and vehe-mently opposing the genocide, breaches of international law, and crimes against humanity perpe-trated by the oppressors, they added.
Condemning the atrocity, massacres and ongoing human rights violations against innocent Pales-tinian civilians spanning over eight decades, BCL pledges unwavering support to those who are preaching for establishment of peace in the region.
“We are proud to see Bangladesh remaining actively engaged on the global stage in advocating for the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina”, they said, adding “A cornerstone of the foreign policy of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the realization of the Palestinian independence”.

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