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2 militants’ escape Two women held, remanded

Staff Reporter:

Rwo women including the wife of one of the two convicted militants who fled Dhaka court with the help of other militants were arrested from Narayanganj.
The arrestee is Shikha, wife of Md Abu Siddique Sohel alias Sakib alias Sajid alias Shahab.
Tipped off, a team of Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime Unit (CTTC) conducted a drive in the area and arrested Sikha from Narayanganj on Friday night.
They were produced before a Dhaka court on Saturday and the court placed them on police remand for more investigation.
Details about the arrest will be disclosed through a media briefing.
Two militants- Md Abu Siddique Sohel alias Sakib alias Sajid alias Shahab and Moinul Hasan Shamim alias Samir alias Sifat alias Imran- were sentence to death in publisher Faisal Arefin Dipan murder case.
They managed to escape Dhaka court premises with the help of some other militants after using pepper spray on policemen on November 20, 2022.
They are members of the banned militant outfit Ansar al-Islam.

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