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Govt wants to convert country’s waste into resources: Saber

Staff Reporter:

Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister Saber Hossain Chowdhury said that the government is working to convert the country’s waste into resources.

“A programme to produce fertiliser from waste is being taken,” he said while talking to reporters after a meeting with the delegation of USAID and Dhaka Calling at the secretariat on Thursday.

Saber said around 50,000 metric tons of waste will be produced in various sectors in the country by 2025.

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“In the future, not only in the city, but the waste of all areas will have to be treated. By collecting waste, fertilizer production will begin at both government and private initiatives,” he said adding, “Why should we import quality fertiliser from waste? Fertiliser import will decrease if production of fertiliser from waste starts. This will save us a lot of foreign exchange.”

The formulation of the National Waste Management Framework was given priority in the 100 working days program of the Ministry of Environment, he said.

“We are working on solid waste initially. Human waste, tannery waste, e-waste, medical waste will also be managed gradually. Initiatives will also be taken to recycle single use plastic. Considering the future needs, plan for waste management will be rtaken by identifying the site and acquiring the land,” he added.

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Expressing concern about the waste management of Savar tannery, the minister said that the chromium found in the waste is risky for human body and the ministry wants to resolve the matter through discussion with the Industries Ministry.

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