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Bangabazar fire Action to be taken if any agency’s negligence found

Staff Reporter:

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal on Wednesday said if the probe committee finds any gov-ernment agency’s negligence in the Bangabazar fire incident, it will be brought under law.
“If there is any negligence from any agency behind the incident, it will be come up in the investigation committee’s assessment. Proper action will be taken against them following committee’s assessment,” he said.
The minister came up with the remarks while speaking at a press conference at the police headquarters.
Responding to a question about the risky markets in capital, the minister said, “Removing risky markets is not task of home ministry, it is the responsibility of RAJUK and City Corporations. But fire service issued notices declaring different markets risky in different times, it was the one.”
The minister called upon the traders who run their business in different risky markets to shift their busi-nesses to other places.

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