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Bangabazar traders seek interest-free loans to survive in business

Staff Reporter:

The affected traders of the Bangabazar fire incident have sought interest-free loans to survive in the business and for repayment of their bank liabilities.
In addition, they called upon the government to develop infrastructures for business operations again at the same place.
The traders of Bangabazar Market made the demand while talking to reporters in front of the damaged market on Wednesday.
On Monday a devastating fire gutted around 5,000 small shops in Bangabazar and its nearby markets.
Standing in front of his burnt shop, businessman Daud Mia told that he took a loan of Tk 15 lakh from the bank a few days ago giving his home as collateral.
“The goods of my three shops were burnt in the fire along with other goods, I am now destitute. There is no arrangement to pay the installments. So, I am asking the government for an interest-free loan to re-pay the bank loan,” he said as he sobbed.
The businessmen urged the government to allow setting up shops in the same place again so that the traders who have clothes in their warehouse can sell them.
Authorities say an assessment is being done to determine the losses from the fire, apparently to devise a way for supporting the affected businessmen.

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