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Suspended cop to die for killing wife, two others

A Correspondent:

Kushtia: A Kushtia court on Sunday convicted a suspended assistant sub-inspector of Phultala Police Station in Khulna and sentenced him to death for killing his wife, step son and wife’s lover in 2021.
The condemned convict Soumen Roy, 34, was also fined Tk 1 lakh.
Kushtia District and Session Judge Ruhul Amin handed down the punishment with Soumen absconding after securing bail in 2022.
According to the prosecution, Soumen, son of Sunil Roy of Magura’s sadar upazila, shot his wife Asma Khatun, 25, step son Robin, 5, and Shakil, 28, in front of Naz Mansion Market in Kushtia district town over an extramarital affair between Asma and Shakil on June 13, 2021.
Police arrested him with his service revolver, bullets and a magazine from the spot.
Hasina Begum, mother of Asma, filed a case in this connection.
Soumen later testified before Kushtia Senior Judicial Magistrate Enamul Haque.
Investigating officer of the case, Nishikanta Sarkar, submitted a chargesheet against Soumen.
On November 6, 2022, Soumen secured bail from the High Court in the case. Since then he has been absconding. On February 2, 2023, the court issued a warrant for the arrest of Soumen as he did not sur-render before the court.
Soumen met Asma while serving as an Assistant Sub-inspector of Kumarkhali Police Station. Later, they got married. She was Soumen’s third wife. Asma too was married twice before.
After their marriage, they used to live at a rented house in Aruapara in Kushtia. Soumen was later trans-ferred to Khulna and in his absence, Asma developed an affair with Shakil.

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