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Dhaka Int’l Trade Fair begins today

Staff Reporter:

The 28th edition of the Dhaka International Trade Fair (DITF) will begin today at Purbachal, near capital city Dhaka.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will inaugurate the month-long event.
AHM Ahsan, vice-chairman of the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), said like the previous year, the DITF will be held at the Bangabandhu Bangladesh-China Friendship Exhibition Centre (BBCFEC) at Purbachal.
The fair will continue from January 21 to February 20. The Ministry of Commerce and the EPB have been organizing trade fairs since 1995.
The DITF usually commences on 1 January each year. However, the EPB postponed the fair due to the 12th national elections.
The trade fair will run from 10 am to 9 pm daily and to 10 pm on weekends. The entry fee is Tk 40 for adults and Tk 20 for children.
BRTC buses have been arranged from Farmgate and Kuril Biswa Road to the fair premises for the convenience of general visitors.
A total of 330 stalls have been allotted along with 23 pavilions and 27 mini pavilions.
There will also be 15 food stalls of different categories. As usual, local and foreign companies will showcase their products.

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