Staff Reporter:
A seminar on “Victory of democracy in the twelfth parliamentary elections” was held at Maulana Mohammad Akram Khan Hall of National Press Club on Saturday.
The seminar was organized by Education, Research and Development Forum of Bangladesh (ERDFB), a research-based organization consisting of university teachers, according to a press re-lease.
Professor Dr Emdadul Haque Chowdhury, vice chancellor of Bangladesh Agricultural University, was present at the program as a chief guest.
Professor Dr Zeenat Huda, general secretary of Dhaka University Teachers Association was the keynote speaker at the event.
Professor Dr Md Sajjad Hossain, member of Bangladesh University Grants Commission (UGC) and the honorable president of ERDFB chaired the program.
Professor Emdadul said, “Bangladesh’s development progress has been given a new momentum through the vote on January 7. This year’s parliamentary election has been very fair and impartial. People of this country wanted to see this kind of election. Voter turnout was low in some polling stations as some people did not go to the polling stations due to fear of violent activities by the opposition parties. There were some centers where the voter turnout was around 70/80%.”
Keynote speaker Professor Zeenat Huda said, “The so-called opposition party BNP boycotted the elections. They basically conspired to sabotage the election. That’s why, they have indulged in kill-ing people including burning trains. So, where are human rights? Is their work related to human rights? People don’t want this politics. People of the country defeated them by voting, democracy won.”
Professor Dr. Soumitra Shekhar Dey, VC National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Professor Dr. Selina Akhtar, VC of Rangamati Science and Technology University, Professor Dr. Delwar Hoss-ain, member of Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) were present at the seminar as spe-cial guests, among others.