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Education Minister: No alternative to new curriculum despite criticism

Staff Reporter:

Education Minister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel has said despite criticism, there is no alternative to the new educational curriculum.

“We must be able to accept criticism of our decisions, made in consultation with educators and experts. I believe we have this capability,” he said.

The education minister made the comments after a meeting with administrative officers at the Chittagong Circuit House on Friday.

“My role at the education ministry is to offer political leadership, while our experts lead in their areas. Together, we aim to advance in education through collaboration,” he added.

The education minister further said: “We are dedicated to the people of Chittagong. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has built numerous advanced infrastructures in and around Chittagong, stretching from Teknaf to Feni.”

He added: “The prime minister has tasked us with finding ways to create jobs for the youth, ensuring their significant contribution to commerce and economics in this region, irrespective of gender, class, or background.”

“If our children are forced to go abroad for a better future, it reflects our failure in Chittagong. We are committed to addressing this issue,” he said.

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