A Correspondent:
Jahangirnagar University: Demanding in-person classes, first-year students of the 52nd batch in Jahang-irnagar University boycotted online classes on Wednesday.
Class representatives of various departments said that the students of 16 departments and one institute boycotted the class.
The departments include History, Mathematics, Chemistry, Anthropology, Philosophy, International Re-lations, English, Journalism and Media Studies, Computer Science and Engineering, Pharmacy, Zoolo-gy, Management Studies, Law and Justice, Fine Arts, Environmental Science, Bangla department and Bangabandhu Institute of Comparative Literature and Culture.
Wishing anonymity, a student of Journalism and Media Studies said they were told that offline classes would be held after the national elections.
“Election is over, but no initiative has yet to be taken from the administration”, the student added.
Another student said they face many hurdles while doing online classes at home. They suffer because of internet connection or devices, and lack of a suitable environment for class.
The students are also concerned about attendance marks.
Dean and Chairman of Law and Justice Assistant Professor Dr. Tapos Kumar Das said: “We didn’t get any kind of instruction from the university administration for in-person classes.”
Prof Dr.Nurul Alam, vice-chancellor of the university, could not be reached over phone for comments despite repeated attempts.