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RMG industry needs to focus more on value addition: BGMEA

Staff Reporter:

The ready-made garment industry of Bangladesh needs to focus more on value addition in order to sus-tain and further enhance its global competitiveness, said Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Export-ers Association (BGMEA) President Faruque Hassan.
“In the garment industry, the accessories and packaging industry is one of the major means for value addition. Accessories and packaging materials play a vital role in enhancing the overall appeal and per-ceived value of garments,” he said
Faruque was speaking at the opening ceremony of the 13th edition of the Garment Accessories and Packaging Exposition (GAPEXPO) 2024 in Dhaka on Thursday.
The event, organized by the Bangladesh Garments Accessories & Packaging Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGAPMEA), aims to showcase advancements in technology and innovations in garment accessories and packaging within the apparel industry.
AHM Ahsan, vice chairman, Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), and Mohammad Hatem, executive presi-dent, BKMEA, also spoke at the opening ceremony.
In his speech, Faruque said the accessories and packaging industry in Bangladesh has the potential to carve out a niche for itself by producing high-quality, innovative, and sustainable materials.
He stressed the importance of investment in research and development to create unique and aesthetically pleasing accessories, which can significantly contribute to the overall value of the final products.
By doing so, the accessories industry can help Bangladesh’s garment sector establish itself as a hub for not just manufacturing but also for creative and value-added design, he added.

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