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AL front bodies start selling vegetables at fair prices in city

Staff Reporter:

Awami League’s three front organizations have taken a unique initiative to buy vegetables directly from farmers and sell those to commoners at fair prices in six points in the capital.
Jubo League Chairman Sheikh Fazle Shams Parash yesterday inaugurated the newly introduced program at Mirpur Ansar Camp area yesterday morning.
The vegetable selling program under the joint initiative of Awami Jubo League, Awami Swechchhasebak League and Bangladesh Chhatra League will continue from 7am every day.
The six points where vegetables will be sold are Ansar Camp, Hazaribagh intersection, in front of Lal-bagh Fort, Badda Ward number 19, Bhashantek and Uttarkhan.
Addressing a brief meeting, the Jubo League chairman said pro-BNP and Jamaat businessmen are mak-ing evil attempts to create instability in the country by raising prices of essentials and creating artificial crisis of products.
At the directive of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Parash said, the ruling AL’s front organizations took the initiative to buy vegetables from farmers directly and sell those to commoners.
It will benefit both farmers and general people, he added.
Jubo League general secretary Mainul Hossain Khan Nikhil said farmers are being repressed as they are not getting fair prices although prices of essentials are soaring.
To ensure fair prices to farmers, the AL’s front bodies took the initiative, he said.
Swechchhasebak League president Gazi Mejbahul Haque Sachchu said middlemen are hiking prices through syndicates for making excessive profits.
The intuitive of the AL front bodies is to break the shackle of syndicate and ease the situation for both farmers and common people.
Chhatra League president Saddam Hussein, Swechchhasebak League general secretary Afazalur Rahman Babu and Chhatra League general secretary Sheikh Wali Asif Enan were present.

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