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Two BNP men remanded

Staff Reporter:

A Dhaka court yesterday placed two BNP activists on five-day remand each in a case lodged over attack on the official residence of Chief Justice (CJ) during BNP’s grand rally in the city’s Nayapaltan area on October 28.
The two remanded accused are- Md Yahia Noman, 31, and Md Nayeem Hasan, 29.
Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Md Mehedi Hasan passed the order as police produced the duo before the court and pleaded to place them on seven-day remand each in the case. The defence however, argued for their bail.
The court earlier sent another accused Md Al Amin Imran, 31, to jail.
BNP men on October 28 allegedly attacked the residence of the chief justice, breaking down one of the gates. They hurled brickbats towards the main building indiscriminately.
Police filed the case with Ramna Police Station against 59 leaders and activists of BNP including its sec-retary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, vice-chairman Barkat Ullah Bulu, Abdul Awal Mintoo and Shamsuzzaman Dudu.

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