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Life term jail for raping schoolgirl

A Correspondent:

Natore: A Natore court on Monday sentenced a man to life term imprisonment in a case over rape of an eighth grader in Lalpur upazila of the district around four years back.
The court of Natore Women and Children Repression and Prevention Tribunal Judge Muhammad Abdur Rahim also sentenced the accused to 14- year of jail under another section of the relevant act with a fine of Tk 30, 000, said the court’s Public Prosecutor Anisur Rahman.
The convict is Sabbir, a resident of Durduria village under the upazila.
The court also acquitted two accused Abul Mannan and Muktar Hossain from the charges as the allega-tions brought against them weren’t found to be true.
According to the case statement, Sabbir and his cohorts picked the girl up to Aumarpur village of the upazila and raped her on November 20, 2020 after she had rejected his love proposal.
Later, the victim’s father lodged a case accusing Sabbir and others with the concerned police station.
Police pressed a chargesheet against the accused on April 5 the following year.
After completing legal procedures, the court handed down the judgment in the presence of the three ac-cused including Sabbir.

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