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Gayehwar blames of running politics on campus by one party

Staff Reporter:

BNP senior leader Gayeshwar Chandra Roy on Monday said student politics on the university campuses is not the problem but the concern is over the control of a single student organizing on the campuses.
“Buet authorities will take decision whether they will allow student politics on the campus or not. Be-cause of that (Abrar Fahad killing) the Buet authorities had banned student politics on the campus, they will see whether such situation is still continuing or not and take decision accordingly,” he said.
He said these while talking to reports after visiting injured BNP Natore district unit’s join convener De-wan Shahin at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU). Dewan Shahin recently got seriously injured in an attack allegedly by some Awami League men.
Gayeshwar, a BNP standing committee member, said the situation at Jahangirnagar University is worse where Bangladesh Chhatra League secretary Manik had celebrated ‘rape century’. “It was stigma for the nation. But AL considers this shame as ornaments.”
They are behaving recklessly with the support of the administration, he alleged.
He said ruling Awami Legue (AL) is staying in power unleashing atrocities and by using muscle power against oppositions.
In the last 15 years Natore BNP leaders have been facing inhuman torture by AL men. “Despite oppres-sion the leaders and activists did not leave BNP. The scenario of torture on BNP men across the Bangla-desh is same to Natore,” he said.
Terming AL as an isolated political party, Gayeshwar said without terrorist activities they (AL) could not survive in politics.
“In this situation we have to raise our voice and get ready to give reply to their brutality, “he said.
Responding to a question from reporters, the BNP leader said the government is waiting to hear the death news of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia.
“I guess sweetmeat will be distributed at Gano Bhaban once they hear her death news.”
“We have nothing to expect from this government. But what they are doing with the BNP Chairperson will be considered as a planned murder,” he said.

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