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9 out of 15 candidates lose security deposit in Chuadanga

A Correspondent:

Chuadanga: Nine out of 15 candidates in Chuadanga’s two constituencies have lost their security deposit as they failed to bag required votes cast in the 12th parliamentary elections held on Sunday.
They are independent candidate MA Shahidur Rahman, Md Sohrab Hossain of Jatiya Party, Md Idris Chowdhury of National People’s Party, Md Abdul Latif Khan of Zaker Party, independent candidate Md Noor Hakim, independent candidate Nazrul Mallik, Md Robiul Islam of Jatiya Party, Md Idris Chow-dhury of National People’s Party and Dewan Md Yasin Ullah of JSD.
Of them, 3 candidates are from Chuadanga-1 constituency and 6 from Chuadanga-2, according to the results announced by the Deputy Commissioner and Returning Officer of Chuadanga on Sunday night.
Analysing the results, it was found that they all failed to get the minimum votes to save their security deposit.
Assistant Returning Officer and District Election Officer Motawakkil Rahman said that according to the rules, those who did not get minimum 12.5 percent of the total votes cast in the election, they will not get the security money back.
The voting for the 12th parliamentary election began at 8:00 am on Sunday and concluded at 4pm with-out any break amid tight security in 299 out of the country’s 300 constituencies.

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