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Australia reiterates its support over Rohingya repatriation

Staff Reporter:

Australian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Jeremy Bruer yesterday reiterated its government’s com-mitment to continue humanitarian assistance to the Rohingya people and to support Bangladesh’s views in favour of repatriation of the displaced people to Myanmar.
He made the remark while paying his farewell call on Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen at the for-eign ministry here, a foreign ministry press release said.
In reply, Masud acknowledged Australia’s continuous support on Rohingya issue and reiterated their safe and secured repatriation to Myanmar as the only solution to this crisis.
The Australian envoy also praised Bangladesh’s development achievements and the good volume of bilat-eral trade with Australia.
The Foreign Secretary expressed satisfaction on the current status of cooperation in trade, commerce, education and people-to-people contacts between the two countries.
He stated for huge scopes of enhancing such engagements and to have further collaboration in skill de-velopment, blue economy, energy security as well as tackling the adverse impacts of climate change.
Masud also thanked Australia for its assurance to continue DFQF access of Bangladeshi products to its market even after graduation from the LDC group in 2026.

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