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Police cordons off ‘militant den’ in Netrakona

A Correspondent:

Netrakona: A special team of police have cordoned off a two-storied residence at Bhasa Para village un-der Kailati union of Netrakona Sadar upazila yesterday afternoon, suspecting it to be a ‘militant den’.
Superintendent of Police (SP)of Netrakona Foyaz Ahmed told local journalists here that the police after conducting a search operation inside the house yesterday and recovered one foreign made pistol, 17 rounds of live ammunition and many toy arms including one toy AK-47 rifle and militant training mate-rials.
The SP also said it is suspected that a group of militants might have rented the house.
Police also located a sound-proof room in the house.
Meanwhile, police have sought help from a bomb-disposal unit and anti-terrorism unit at Dhaka for fur-ther searching the residence, he added.

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