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Vicious quarter home and abroad conspiring over RMG sector: Quader

Staff Reporter:

Awami League Secretary Obaidul Quader has said that a malicious faction, both locally and internationally, is actively involved in conspiring against the country’s readymade garment sector to serve their own interests.

Quader, also Road Transport and Bridges Minister, came up with the remarks while talking to reporters at Awami League President Sheikh Hasina’s political office in Dhanmondi area of Dhaka on Friday.

“The readymade garment is the country’s major export product. A vicious quarter both home and abroad is hatching a conspiracy to attain their commercial interest centering the sector,” he said.

The government is committed to developing the RMG sector and thus Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has increased wages for the garment makers, aiming to bolster the economy’s overall economy, he said.

The Awami League leader made these comments amid considerations by Western countries, including the United States, regarding trade sanctions over concerns related to labour rights in Bangladesh.

In this context, Quader mentioned that his party is not concerned about the possible sanctions, expressing confidence that they are on the right track.

The country is moving towards holding a free, fair and peaceful election under the independent Election Commission in line with the constitution, he said, raising a question of why there should be a sanction here.

He warned that BNP will face appropriate consequences if it engages in any subversive activities in the country on December 10, under the pretext of Human Rights Day, which is observed globally on that date every year.

The members of law enforcement agencies are ready to confront BNP if it engages in acts of terrorism on December 10, he cautioned.

The countrymen are eagerly waiting to exercise their voting rights in a free, fair and festive atmosphere on January 7, he said.

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