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BNP’s 30 central leaders including 15 ex-MPs taking part in JS polls: Quader

Staff Reporter:

Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader has said that at least 30 leaders of BNP including 15 former parliament members of the party are participating in the national election to be held on January 7.

Quader disclosed it while addressing a press conference held at Awami League President Sheikh Hasina’s political office in Dhanmondi area of Dhaka on Friday.

Apart from this, at least 32 political parties are joining the electoral race so the non-participation of a certain political party does not render the election illegal or unilateral, Quader said.

UNB Adds: The Awami League General Secretary said the train of the 12th parliamentary election is already running, and it won’t stop until it reaches its destination, no matter how many obstacles come.

Quader said, “Though BNP is not participating in the election as a party, 30 former MPs, including 15 central leaders [of the party, are taking part in the election. After a long time, a festive atmosphere is prevailing across the country. It’s not about whether one or two parties participating in the election, now its more about the people’s participation.”

During the briefing, Quader criticised Shushashoner Jonno Nagorik (Shujan) and TIB for their silence on “violence committed by BNP in the name of movement.”

“Neither TIB nor Shujan (Citizens for Good Governance) has said anything about the violence and terrorism that BNP is unleashing in the country in the name of the movement. But they talk about democracy and human rights,” said the AL general secretary.

Quader said, “In many countries, including Europe, Africa, and Latin America, elections are held in the absence of opposition parties. No one thinks these elections are illegal!”

“Because no one can say that elections will be illegal just because one or two parties don’t participate where people’s participation is ensured,” he added.

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