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CEC calls on Chief Justice

Staff Reporter:

Chief election commissioner (CEC) Kazi Habibul Awal yesterday paid a courtesy call on Chief Justice Obaidul Hassan at the Supreme Court.
Election commissioners Brig Gen (Retd) Md Ahsan Habib Khan, Begum Rashida Sultana, Md Alamgir, Md Anisur Rahman, election commission secretary Md Jahangir Alam and joint secretary (law) Md Mahbubar Rahman Sarker were present at the meeting, among others.
“We paid a courtesy call on the chief justice and he gave us enough time. We had an open discussion. We brought a matter to his attention. Judges observe responsibility of electoral inquiry committee during the time of parliament election. The civil courts will be on vacation during this time. We don’t want that duty to remain nonoperational due to the vacation. We want judges to observe their election duties in December,” the CEC told newsmen after coming out of the meeting.
CEC Kazi Habibul Awal said the chief justice in response said he would keep the matter into considera-tion.

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