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Healthcare for every Bangladeshi

Staff Reporter:

Over the years, Bangladesh, in its bid to become a more prosperous and equitable nation, has also been at the forefront of numerous innovative initiatives — mostly aimed at the poorest and most marginalized.

From vaccination drives to microcredit, it is a testament to Bangladesh that, despite its limited resources, it has never shied away from investing in the people of Bangladesh – and has continued to receive plaudits globally for its efforts.

To that end, it is heartening to learn that the United Nations unanimously adopted the first-ever resolution on community-based healthcare — another initiative undertaken by Bangladesh to ensure that every Bangladeshi receives healthcare — showing Bangladesh’s commitment to improving the health and well-being of its citizens, and to contributing to global health equity.

Special praise must be reserved for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for her bold vision and recognition of the need for health care in the remotest parts of the country, and to any and all relevant stakeholders who have worked to set this initiative up and ensure its success.

The community clinics initiative will play an important role in promoting primary healthcare, women’s empowerment, community engagement, and mobilization towards achieving universal access to health — all of which are not only desirable, but necessary outcomes for any nation looking to become not only prosperous and high-income, but innovative and equitable.

Bangladesh is fast becoming a leader of frugal innovations; as a densely populated nation with limited resources, it must ensure that any initiative has maximum output with minimum input.

With initiatives such as the community clinics being recognized by the UN, and with potential for it to be adopted globally, Bangladesh must continue to be at the helm of frugal innovations, and be the champion for developing nations to create a more equitable world.

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