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Photos of Matiur with BB governor go viral on social media

Staff Reporter:

Photos of former National Board of Revenue (NBR) official Matiur Rahman, recently at the centre of corruption allegations, with Bangladesh Bank Governor Abdur Rouf Talukder have gone viral on social media, sparking widespread discussion.

One viral photo shows the two men in Ihram during the Hajj pilgrimage, while another captures Matiur greeting Rouf with a bouquet of flowers at the governor’s office in the central bank.

Matiur Rahman was appointed as a director of Sonali Bank on 1 February 2022. At that time, Abdur Rouf Talukder was serving as the finance secretary.

Some media outlets have questioned the Bangladesh Bank governor through the central bank’s spokesperson, Mezbaul Haque. The inquiry focused on the governor’s comments regarding Matiur’s appointment as a director of Sonali Bank during his tenure as finance secretary and the allegations of anonymous stock market investments through Matiur.

Responding to the media, Bangladesh Bank spokesperson Mezbaul Haque conveyed the governor’s statement, asserting that the allegations are not true.

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