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Jhenidah AL leader Babu sent to jail following his confessional statement

Staff Reporter:

Kazi Kamal Ahmed alias Gas Babu, relief and social welfare affairs secretary of Jhenidah Awami League, was sent to jail on Friday after giving a confessional statement before a Dhaka court in connection with the killing of Jhenaidah-4 lawmaker Anwarul Azim Anar.

Gas Babu is the fourth accused who has given the confessional statement in abduction and murder of Anwarul Azim Anar.

Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Mohammad Jasim sent him to the jail when police produced Gas Babu before the court in connection of the gruesome killing.

Babu is a cousin of Aktaruzzaman Shahin, who masterminded the murder, according to police.

Babu was spontaneously making confessional statements in the court, prompting the Detective Branch (DB) of police to apply for the statement to be recorded.

Accepting the plea, the court recorded his statement and sent him to jail.

On 9 June, the court put Babu on 7-day remand.

Earlier, three accused in the case confessed their crimes and are now staying in jail. The accused are Amanullah alias Shimul Bhuiyan, Tanvir Bhuiyan and Celesty Rahman.

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