Staff Reporter:
Dhaka University’s Institute of Business Administration’s (IBA) board of governance has suspended an appointment of a teacher over an allegation of a student’s sexual harassment.
Prof Sitesh Chandra Bachar, pro vice chancellor (education) of the university, said, “The matter of ap-pointment was raised at the Board of Governance. The appointment was suspended. The selection board was notified of the issue for review.”
Earlier, Saju Saha, an associate professor of marketing at Jahangirnagar University, and three other can-didates’ names were selected for appointment.
Due to the allegation of sexual harassment, his appointment was suspended on Monday afternoon in a meeting at the vice chancellor’s lounge.
On Monday (1 April), a female student from JU’s marketing department filed a formal complaint against Saju for sexual harassment.
Earlier on March 23, the student, in a Facebook post, made the allegation of sexual harassment against teacher Saju Saha.
Following the Facebook post, the accused teacher repeatedly tried to convince the victim, saying that his political career would be ruined once the matter gets disclosed.
On March 24, Saju Saha also lodged a general diary at Mirpur Model Police Station, seeking legal action against the student for uploading the Facebook post “defaming” him on social media.