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SC stays HC order on Dhaka-4 election result

Staff Reporter:

The chamber judge of the Appellate Division yesterday stayed a High Court order that directed the Elec-tion Commission (EC) not to issue any gazette notification on the Dhaka-4 election result.
The court also ordered immediate oath-taking of independent candidate Awlad Hossain. The secretary of parliament has been asked to arrange his oath-taking.
Chamber Judge of the Appellate Division of Supreme Court, Justice M Enayetur Rahim, passed the or-der after hearing a petition filed by Awlad challenging the HC order.
The court said that if writ petitioner Sanjida Khanam wants, she can submit an election petition to the High Court in a proper way.
Advocate Khurshid Alam Khan stood for Awlad in the court. Barrister Khan Mohammad Shamim Aziz for the EC, while Advocate ABM Altaf Hossain, Motahar Hossain Saju and Shah Monjurul Haque for Sanjida Khanam.
On January 9, the High Court directed not to issue any gazette notification on the Dhaka-4 election re-sult. At the same time, the court ordered an investigation into the irregularities in voting in 18 centers of the constituency within 10 days. The HC also directed the Election Commission to refrain from publish-ing a gazette declaring independent candidate Awlad Hossain the winner until the investigation is com-pleted.
The HC bench of Justice Abu Taher Md Saifur Rahman and Justice Md Bashir Ullah passed the order.
Independent candidate Awlad Hossain filed a petition challenging the High Court order this morning.

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